Category Archives: News

BPS Welcomes New Pupils for September 2022

Have you a Pre-Schooler? Are you looking for a child centred, progressive school that prides itself on being at the heart of the community?

Call the office number to book your tour of the school, meet the staff and see the great work that’s going on in BPS!


Childen in Need 2021

Once again staff and pupils got spotty for Pudsey, thank you to everyone who bought headbands, wristbands, badges and rulers to support Children in Need. We are pleased to announce that due to the generosity of parents of BPS  and Ballywalter Pre-School we raised £326.50!

P6 Making the Best of the Beach

P6 just love to get their wellies on and get down to the beach for a lesson. Today’s challenge was Skyscrapers – working in teams to build the highest and most stable tower.


Road Safety Walk

P5 really enjoyed their visit from The Road Safety Partnership, children enjoyed a walk around the village, learning about the dangers, hidden and obvious and how best to stay safe crossing the road.

Remarkable Readers!

To those who are not aware of the Accelerated Reader programme which runs here in Ballywalter PS here’s a brief outline:

Accelerated Reader (AR) is a reading management and monitoring programme that aims to foster independent reading. The pupils’ reading age and ability are assessed by the the internet-based software which also provides their teacher with an insight. The pupil can choose from a wide range of fiction and non-fiction books in the AR scheme, once finished reading they access computerised quizzes on the books and earn AR points as they progress. Each pupil is set an individual word count target and once achieved they can choose from the “Rewards” cabinet in school.

This has proved extremely worthwhile and teachers have seen a marked improvement in Literacy skills and a real passion for reading blossoming in our school. Have a look below at some of our Remarkable Readers!

Beach School

With such a fantastic beach right on our doorstep we’d be crazy not to make good use of it! All the classes have been enjoying taking their lessons down to the shore – even with our changeable weather!

Admissions Criteria

Ballywalter Primary School
Controlled Primary School
12 Stump Road, Ballywalter BT22 2NT
Enrolment No. 199
Admissions No. 28
Telephone:  028 4275 8486
Fax:  028 4275 7218
Principal:  Mrs C Craig B.Ed (Hons) PQH (NI)
E-Mail: [email protected]

Chair of Board of Governors:  Mr J Rogers

Respective Functions of the Board of Governors

The Board of Governors draws up the admissions criteria and delegates to an Admissions Sub-Committee, which includes the Principal, the responsibility for applying these criteria.

Admissions Criteria

During the admissions procedure when applying the criteria punctual applications will be considered before late applications are considered.   The application procedure opens on 7 January 2021 at 12noon (GMT) and an application submitted by the closing date of 29 January 2021 at 12noon (GMT) will be treated as a punctual application.   An application received after 12noon (GMT) on 29 January 2021 will be treated as a late application.

Please Note:

1.         It is the parents’ responsibility to ensure that any information that is relevant to the criteria for admission to this school is included with the Application Form or provided to the first preference school.

2.         All applications should be accompanied by a birth certificate in order to verify the age of the child.

3.         The Board of Governors reserves the right to require such supplementary evidence as it may determine to support or verify information on the application form eg proof of address.

4.         The provision of false or incorrect information or the failure to provide information within the deadlines set by primary schools can result in the withdrawal of a place.

Year 1 Intake

  • Children of compulsory school age will be admitted according to the following criteria applied in the order set down, 1-3 by the Board of Governors of Ballywalter Primary School.
  • Children who have a brother/sister or half-brother/sister in attendance at the school at the commencement of the next school year OR are the only/eldest child in the family.
  • Children for whom the school is the nearest available in terms of walking distance measured from the child’s home to the Stump Road entrance to the school according to Google Maps.
  • Children from other areas.
  • In the event of over-subscription, in any one of the above criteria, the following sub-criteria will be applied in the order set down (a).
  • Children who live closest to the school, as measured from the child’s home, to the Stump Road entrance to the school, according to Google Maps.
    Children with the initial letter(s) of surname (as entered on Birth Certificate) in the order set out below:

E M Y K T S L Mac Z Q O G N A Mc I H F V P R W D B C U J X

This order was determined by random selection.

Duty to Verify

The Board of Governors reserves the right to require such supplementary evidence as it may determine to support or verify information on any application.

If the requested evidence is not provided to the Board of Governors by the deadline given, this will result in the withdrawal of an offer of a place.  Similarly, if information is supplied which appears to be false or misleading in any material way, the offer of a place will be withdrawn.

Waiting List Policy

This Policy is available from the school.

Y1 admissions – after the beginning of the school year.

Criteria as above.

Y2-Y7 Intake

Admission to be within the Department of Education guidelines on permitted class sizes.

Criteria for admission, as for Y1.


Year Total Applications Total Admissions
2018/19 26 26
2019/2020 19 19
2020/2021 26 26

Anti-Bullying Week

This week we are taking part in the national anti-bullying week programme. Children wore odd socks today to encourage people to express themselves and celebrate individuality. Pupils will also be taking part in lessons and activities over the coming days to celebrate anti-bullying week in a fun and informative way.

Children In Need Day

At Ballywalter Primary we always encourage our children to consider the needs of others and we love to take part in fundraising for various charities. For this year’s Children In Need appeal children and staff were invited to dress in something spotty for the day. Together with the Pre-School we raised a fantastic £321.00

Accelerated Readers Going For Gold!

The Accelerated Reader programme which runs from P4 – P7 encourages children to read for pleasure. A wide range of fiction and non-fiction books are available in a variety of reading levels. As the children read and complete quizzes on each book they are awarded a word score which goes toward the individual target set by the teacher.

It’s a really enjoyable way for the children to expand their reading and the rewards certainly are an added bonus!